Please read these Terms of Use before using this Website. page. By using the Website, you confirm that you agree with the provisions of these Terms of Use. Please do not use the Website if you do not accept these Terms of Use.

1. Use of the Website

K-POWER.MK grants the right to use, reproduce and download information and contents of this Website for personal and non-commercial use only. Its forbidden modification and reproduction of the content of this Website, as well as its use and/or distribution for any public or commercial purposes, without the express consent of K-POWER.MK.

2. Indemnification

The information on this Website is presented as such without any guarantees in regarding availability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement of the rights of intellectual property. The obligations of K-POWER.MK in relation to the services that offers are determined solely by the agreements according to which they are provided or offered and nothing on this Website shall be construed as an amendment to such agreements. K- POWER.MK makes no guarantees regarding the accuracy and completeness of the content, the materials, software or services on this site. K-POWER.MK can in any time, without prior notice, to make changes in content, functionality or the services on this Website or the products, prices and availability published on it.

3. Limitation of Liability

K-POWER.MK or other third parties mentioned on this Website in no way shall not be liable for any damages (including, without limitation, damages that resulting from loss of profit, loss of data or business interruption) due to the use, inability to use or results from the use of this Website site, regardless of any warranty, contract, tort or otherwise cause and regardless of whether they were aware of the possible occurrence of such damage. If use of the content or services on this Website results in the need for maintenance, repair of equipment or correction of data, the costs related thereto are at your expense.

4. Information from users

Any materials, information or other communications (“Communications”) that submit or post on this Website are not considered confidential or protected by patent. K-POWER.MK has no obligations regarding this Communication. K-POWER.MK and the persons appointed by K-POWER.MK have the right to use Communication and all information in their daily business processes.

5. Change of Terms of Use

These Terms of Use may be modified at any time by K- POWER.MK by publishing the new, modified version in a visible place on the Web- the page. If you do not agree with the changes, you should stop using it immediately use the Website. The use of the Website after the changes have been made means that you agree with the changes made.